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Deus ex machina

Deus ex machina (english below)
En installation av ”omöjliga instrument”, skulpturer av bleckblåsinstrument med proteser och utopiska utbyggnader som undersöker vår föreställning om möjligheternas gräns, naturligt och övernaturligt. Ett sprakande metafysiskt ljud-laboratorium som stimulerar våra föreställningsförmågor. Deus ex machina ”god from the machine” är ett dramaturgiskt koncept, där det tillsynes omöjliga får sin förlösning genom en oväntad och ”övernaturlig” kraft. Vissa av instrumenten (maskinerna) är självspelande och skapar ett suggestivt soundscape som publiken kan interagera med. Konstnären och galleristen Christopher Nelson har bl.a. tidigare skapat utställningsfilmer till olika museer, lett kurser i experimentell medieproduktion och varit bandledare för stumfilmsorkestern The Metrophonic Orchestra.

Deus ex machina (english)
An installation of ”impossible instruments”, sculptures of brass-instruments with artificial limbs, utopian expansions that investigate our conception of what is possible, natural and supernatural. A sparkling metaphysical sound-lab that stimulates our imagination. Deus ex machina ”god from the machine” is an ancient form of plot devise, where the seemingly impossible situation suddenly finds a resolution through a ”supernatural” force. Some of the instruments (machines) are self-playing and create a suggestive soundscape that the audience can interact with. The artist and gallery owner Christopher Nelson that i.a. created exhibition films for museums, held corses in experimental video production and is the band leader for the silent film-orchestra The Metrophonic Orchestra.

22 - 30 sept 2023

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KÏM HOLM is a Danish artist and therapist, living in Malmö. He works mostly on canvas, paper, interior and exterior walls. He describes his style as "naivistic psychedelic fantasy, inspired by dreams, mysticism and computer games." His topics are often imaginative creatures and monsters, mandalas (often with a twist of the occult) and symmetric formatations. This special weekend is the launching of a new mural that Kïm is making for The Tikotin Gallery. This creation, placed on the wall of the house above the gallery, can be seen from the street, as well as from Tikotin’s front yard. Kïm will also have works on canvases and paper on display inside the gallery.


OPENING HOURS: FRIDAY 23/9: 17-23* SATURDAY: 24/9: 12-23* SUNDAY 25/9: 12-16

* FRI 23/9: Opening ceremony of the new mural/wall painting. (21:00)

* SAT 24/9: special event: MASKPERFORMANCE/iNSTALLATION by Amanda Cederquist & Christopher Nelson.


D O P A M I N  D E L U X E

23-27 SEPT 2020




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